Nov 18, 2007


Stayed over at hung's house last night. Was imba fun where we got silly drunk and watched Blades of Glory. It was a totally wtf kind of show, but yeah, never had so much fun for a long time.
Last paper! A 4D style question paper, where you choose one correct option from 4. Sounds really easy, right?

HAHA to Olivia; Oh my sounds bad leh if your papers were like econs. Econs was #%$^!@* to me.

To anyone that reads this, Good LUCK! Hang in there, A levels almost over!

Nov 5, 2007


Just finished chem. It was a very very 勉强 ok lah. But I know i gave it my best shot (:

A levels going to finish soon! I was looking through my old photos and i saw this shot i took of NJC. It was during orientation and the canoe team had a team that says

"All it takes is all you've got".

All it takes for me to live my (numerous) dreams and be all that i can be, is all i've got. Hell yeah.

Nov 1, 2007

modern minds and pasttimes

Maybe we're trying; trying too hard
maybe we're torn apart.
maybe the timing
is beating the odds

we're empty